We encourage all customers to review our return and refund policy to ensure clarity and avoid any confusion or inconvenience. Kindly, Read it carefully.
Confirmation of Your Order
Once you have finalized your order, you will receive an email confirmation with all the order details, including the specifications of the medicines and their prices. You will then be able to process the order and make the payment online. Once your order is successfully placed, you will receive a final acknowledgment confirmation from our end with the final order value and the expected time for delivery.
Confirming Your Shipping Dispatch
Once your order is placed and the payment process is complete, you can track the order on our portal. We will then send you an email confirmation when we are about to ship your product. This can generally take around 24 to 48 hours after you place the final order on our portal and after the payment has been done.
We will send you a shipment bill or invoice stating the invoice number, shipping details, and how you can track the shipment while in transit. All procedures will be mentioned in a stepwise fashion. If in any case, you have problems in understanding, you can call on our helpline number to check and confirm the same.
We generally ship your package right at your home doorstep or your office address. Meanwhile, once your order has been shipped, please do not change the shipping address as this may result in undelivered packages.
Knowing the Customs
GenericPainRelief.Com supplies its products not only within the territorial boundary in India but also in foreign countries. Thus, if you have ordered as a foreign citizen, you need to have further time in your hand. Because your package when it reaches the airport or the port is likely to go through a customs check and this may result in additional delays.
We cannot be held liable for the delay that has been caused in the customs department as such delays are beyond our control. Usually, once the customs check is complete, your package will be shipped to the local courier office from where the local dispatch procedure begins.
Remember that the customs check can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, so keep in hand additional time for this.
Time for You to Get the Package
Generally, for local and within the territorial zones, our packages are delivered within a few days (3-5 Days – US TO US) . But there can be delays due to some unforeseen circumstances such as delays in customs, or natural disasters or political disruptions, and turmoil or lockdown in the state.
We generally don’t take more than 15 to 20 working days to post the placement of the final order on our portal.
But do keep in mind that there is going to be a customs check which can cause delay. It is the duty of the customer to track their package and shipments and call us for further reference if their package is still not delivered generally after 15 to 20 days.
Reshipping Lost Orders
We don’t generally face such scenarios, but we cannot predict what’s going to happen tomorrow. We will generally reship all the orders or refund our customers in case the package is lost at our end during the transit period.
We bear the entire loss for the customer barring the taxes and customs duty. But in cases where the customers have not received their packages even after 21 days at maximum for all local and international orders, the customer needs to get in touch with our helpline number.
In general, we will reship the product to the customer or ship the delivery once again for free this time. But such requests have to be made to our helpline and customer care executive within a maximum of 8 weeks post the final order placement.
Return and Refunding Policy
In any circumstance, if the shipped order received by the customer is found to have a broken seal or tampered seal, then it has to be reported by the customer within 7 days of receiving the shipment.
If you place a refund order or return order within 7 days, we will arrange for a reshipment and pickup of the damaged product after verifying everything.
No return and refund orders are entertained after 7 days of receiving the order.
Please Note:
- The return and refund policy is subject to change at any time without prior notice.
- The return and refund policy is only applicable to products purchased from GenericPainRelief.Com.
- The return and refund policy does not apply to products that have been used or damaged.
- The return and refund policy does not apply to products that have been purchased from unauthorized retailers.
If you have any questions about the return and refund policy, please contact our customer care team.